Politicas del Blog
Los textos, sonidos, imágenes y el resto de contenidos incluidos en este website son propiedad exclusiva de "RealTrampa", o de sus respectivos autores. Cualquier acto de transmisión, distribución, reproducción, almacenamiento o comunicación publica total o parcial, debe contar con el consentimiento expreso de "RealTrampa" , o de su respectivo autor. Todo archivo de música e imágenes de la web son usados con el fin de auspiciar y promocionar. Este blog no apoya la piraterÃa ya que todo es para uso promocional. "RealTrampa" no se hace responsable por las publicaciones de nuestros editores.
RealTrampa es un proveedor de servicios en lÃnea. Respeta los derechos legÃtimos de los propietarios de derechos de autor, y ha adoptado un procedimiento de notificación y eliminación eficiente según lo exige la DMCA y se describe en este documento.
Aviso a los Propietarios de Obras Protegidas por Derechos de Autor
La DMCA proporciona un procedimiento legal mediante el cual puede solicitar a cualquier Proveedor de servicios en lÃnea que deshabilite el acceso a un sitio web en el que aparecen sus trabajos protegidos por derechos de autor sin su permiso. El procedimiento legal consta de dos partes: (1) redactar un aviso adecuado de DMCA y (2) enviar el aviso de DMCA adecuado al agente designado de Blogger.
→ Por cada derribo de la DMCA, póngase en contacto con:
Blog Policies
The texts, sounds, images and other content included in this website are the exclusive property of "RealTrampa", or their respective authors. Any act of transmission, distribution, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication, must have the express consent of "RealTrampa", or its respective author. All music files and images on the web are used for the purpose of sponsoring and promoting. This blog does not support piracy since everything is for promotional use. "RealTrampa" is not responsible for the publications of our editors.
RealTrampa is an online service provider. It respects the legitimate rights of copyright owners, and has adopted an efficient notification and removal procedure as required by the DMCA and described in this document.
Notice to Owners of Works Protected by Copyright
The DMCA provides a legal procedure by which you can request any Online Service Provider to disable access to a website on which your copyrighted works appear without your permission. The legal procedure consists of two parts: (1) write an appropriate DMCA notice and (2) send the appropriate DMCA notice to the designated Blogger agent.
→ For each demolition of the DMCA, contact:
Blog Policies
The texts, sounds, images and other content included in this website are the exclusive property of "RealTrampa", or their respective authors. Any act of transmission, distribution, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication, must have the express consent of "RealTrampa", or its respective author. All music files and images on the web are used for the purpose of sponsoring and promoting. This blog does not support piracy since everything is for promotional use. "RealTrampa" is not responsible for the publications of our editors.
RealTrampa is an online service provider. It respects the legitimate rights of copyright owners, and has adopted an efficient notification and removal procedure as required by the DMCA and described in this document.
Notice to Owners of Works Protected by Copyright
The DMCA provides a legal procedure by which you can request any Online Service Provider to disable access to a website on which your copyrighted works appear without your permission. The legal procedure consists of two parts: (1) write an appropriate DMCA notice and (2) send the appropriate DMCA notice to the designated Blogger agent.
→ For each demolition of the DMCA, contact: